Mukesh Parmar, the former manager of Mark Selby, was seen around the Dafabet World Championship this week and put in an appearance at the World Snooker party on the Wednesday night at Genting Casino – an evening for all connected with and working at the event, taking advantage of the morning off on the Thursday.

While Parmar’s relationship with Selby on the table was characterised by some considerable success, including wins at the UK Championship and the Masters before a split early in 2013, there were clearly tensions and problems behind the scenes with the three-time Masters champion deciding he would rather handle his own affairs, helped by wife Vikki.

At one time there was speculation Parmar could link up with Neil Robertson as a manager having done some work with him, though that did not come to pass with the world No1 now under a full management deal with Django Fung in the same stable as Judd Trump.

But Parmar, who still runs a snooker club in Leicestershire, indicated that he might dip his toe back in the water of player management if the “right opportunity” came along.